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Essay on conflict resolution

Essay on conflict resolution

Conflict Resolution, Essay Example,Nature of Conflict

WebMar 16,  · The best way that I can resolve this conflict is reporting the matter early enough so that they can psychologically prepare and understand that they will not get all they needed. The best way to communicate this message is in person so that I can WebEssay On Conflict Resolution Words3 Pages Conclusion Conflict in an organization can increase the overall effectiveness of the task at hand as having multiple perspectives Webinformation on conflict, the levels and the components. The paper will provide information on how conflict can manifest in an organization or team. It will discuss conflict resolution WebConflict Resolution Essay 1. Analyze the reason for the disagreement. 2. Create several solutions or options for all parties involved. 3. Make sure all involved agree on the WebMar 16,  · The main parties on the workplace conflict focused in resolving the conflict through communication. The management team elaborated on improving various ... read more

These differences contribute to the organizations ability to be flexible, generate problem solutions, relate effectively to a wide range of clients and to providing a balanced range of services. An organization can invest in developing effective employment programs and strategies that support diversity, but unless they have created an inclusive work environment, that celebrates and builds on differences and that is productive, rewarding, enjoyable and healthy for everyone concerned, they are likely to find that diversity creates more problems than it solves. They will be unable to take advantage of the benefits of diversity and are likely to have difficulty retaining employees.

Work practices that make environments safe for all have achieved cultural competence and as a result are demonstrating cultural safety. Incivility Workplace incivility affects our everyday interactions, professional nursing relationships and our organizations. It is important to be aware of incivility to address it. This affects the employee which impacts productivity and patient care. Employee turnover rates, job dissatisfaction, and poor workplace environments can be attributed to incivility. This conflict arise from factors inherent in the organizational structure.

Similarly, intergroup conflict may arise between desk officers and patrol officers who might blame each other for anything that goes wrong at a. The Best Ways To Respond To Conflict The best ways to respond to conflict is to talk it out, and take time to think about it. Conflict is a serious disagreement between two or more sides. Addressing disruptive behavior in the workplace is a difficult task in itself, especially when that person is a physician. Confronting situations where staff is being disrespected by the physician has to be addressed immediately because in the end it will affect the patients and the workflow of the practice. The first step I would take is hold a staff meeting only without the physician so I can get a good sense of how the employees are feeling and make note of every time the physician mistreated the staff.

Obtaining that information will help me articulate a plan on how to approach the physician. Diversity training provides the knowledge, skills and tools that will assist new employees on proper way to treat people who may be different from them by for instance their culture, background or ethnic. Some of the strengths of diversity training for new employees are its ability to create in them a positive idea of the organization and foster the idea of belonging. For instance, as a young woman and entry level employee, I will feel more comfortable working in an environment where diversity is promoting. Why, because I will feel more valuable, have an equally opportunity for advancement and must of all, have my rights respected. In the other hand, some of the weaknesses of diversity training during new employee orientation can be the address.

Key works: workforce diversity, contract workers, employees, diversity, divergent attitude, human resource management, international employees, consumers, consumer behavior, empathic marketing 1. Although, the majority belief about conflict is as being negative issue. However, the experience of dealing with conflict can lead to positive outcomes for nurses, their colleagues, and clients. Because of this, nurses need to be aware of the ways in which conflict can escalate and be prepared to prevent or manage it in the workplace. Because nurses have interpersonal relationship with people having a variety of different values, beliefs, backgrounds, and goals, conflict is an expected outcome. The primary concern whenever there is conflict among nurses is the negative effects it will create on the quality of service given to the clients.

A conflict that remains unresolved can have a far-reaching effect that ultimately influences every aspect of client care. Conflict that is managed effectively by nurses can lead to personal and organizational growth, but if not managed effectively, it can hinder a nurse's ability to provide quality client care, and escalate into violence and abuse. Nurses who effectively deal with conflict demonstrate respect for their clients, colleagues, and the profession. Causes of Conflict The cause of workplace conflict is often misunderstood and blamed on personalities and misbehavior, but in reality much workplace conflict is systemic and endemic to the workplace environment.

Ineffective organizational systems, unpredictable policies, incompatible goals, scarce resources, and Poor communication can all contribute to conflict among different parties in the workplace including the hospital settings. Other causes of conflict may include, personality conflict, value difference, goal differences among others. Similarly, Johnson, Maintains that, "cost containment, restructuring of health care organizations, and competitions have given rise to increased conflict for nursing". Conflict According Farlex free dictionary, conflict is defined as a state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash.

Also, Kelly, Defined conflict as "A disagreement between individuals who perceive a threat to their needs, interests, and or concerns". Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict. Often, committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group. Through the integration of participants' perspectives, interests, belief systems and values, conflict and conflict resolution play important roles in individual and social evolution and development.

Conflict arises when one or more participants view the current system as not working. At least one party is sufficiently dissatisfied with the status quo that they are willing to own the conflict and speak up with the hope of being able to influence the situation to arrive at an improved condition. Conflict may be viewed as a process we put ourselves through to achieve a new condition and self-definition. Through conflict we have opportunities to be creatively self-defining. If nothing else, conflict allows us to do things differently in the future. Through the resolution of conflict, we can, if we choose, evolve and redefine ourselves, our relationships, our community, our society and our world. It is no accident that we most often find ourselves in conflict with those with whom we spend the most time -- family, friends, business associates, and fellow organizational members.

There is a great benefit, in terms of the quality of our lives, in being able to constructively resolve conflict with those around us. This type of conflict takes place when there is an inconsistency in our ideas, attitudes, emotions or values. This type of conflict occurs within the person. It involves an internal struggle to clarify contradictory values or wants. A nurse occasionally feels conflicted as she struggles to balance her job requirements with her personal life and beliefs. Get a Free E-Book! Conflict Resolution, Essay Example. Pages: 3 Words: Essay. This Essay was written by one of our professional writers. Need a custom Essay written for you?

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However, modern audiences believe that Socrates did not write any of his ideas down [

We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Interests , Conflict Management , Incident , Existence , Resolution , Variation , Progression , Remuneration. Pages: 5. Words: Arguably, not every society in the world can avoid conflict. In fact, conflict is part of human nature. Conflict among organizations and individuals is an unavoidable aspect of daily life. Many scholars assert that conflict is inevitable. Perhaps, understanding how it escalates and starts entails progressive strategy in using it to the advantage of those concerned.

Conflict refers to a situation in which groups and people think, or have incompatible goals and objectives. Conflict is a wide concept, but many people belief only violence and war is conflict. However, conflict takes place in all levels of society and in all situations. Generally, organizations, individuals and people experience various types of conflicts every day Philips, As a matter of fact, conflict escalation is a steady regression from immature and mature level of various emotional developments. Certainly, the psychological course develops from one step to another. Conflict escalates in various stages, and each stage has various characteristics. Some conflict escalates for a good course; good relationship face at times conflict.

In most case, parties look for solutions cooperatively and objectively. Furthermore, ways that conflict escalates include complaints, passive resistance, active resistance, assaultive, as well as use of lethal force Wandberg, Undeniably, the organization of society is in a way that it has both root causes and factors that may escalate conflicts. Unjust and unequal treatment of individuals in the community could lead to conflicting situations. For example, if leadership and opportunities in the nation do not represent the members of the entire society Philips, Other scholars assert that, conflict is as a result of arithmetical progression of resource supply and geometrical progression in population increase.

Due to imbalance in population and resource allocation, individuals will struggle to survive leading to conflict. Conversably, individual differences in society cause conflict. As a matter of fact, people in society are different in nature and have variation on issues such as ideas, aspirations, attitudes, as well as interest. Therefore, this difference puts them in a situation that they cannot accommodate each other, leading to conflict. Culture differ from one community to another, this variation sometimes causes tension.

Among these communities, there are various interests among individuals, making conflict inevitable. Social change is part of societal growth and progress. Nevertheless, the rate in which social change escalates may lead to the uprising of conflict. In the 21st century, there are various conflicting scenarios between the old norms and the new generations. Conflict expresses a state of social disequilibrium among the parties. Other core causes of conflict include, political discrimination, identity and ethnic affiliation, economic issues, as well, as modernization. Addressing conflict in society is very important.

In fact, addressing conflict is crucial in achieving enhancing productivity, as well as organizational effectiveness. In society, most individuals and organizations suffer from chronic patters of conflicts that have never been resolved. This may cause dysfunction among the conflicting parties. Hence, addressing conflicts resolves issues and ensure that there is normal functioning in the society. Generally, addressing conflict is crucial because it increases productivity, reduces costs, increase collaboration, as well as bringing satisfaction Wandberg, The existence of conflict in an organization, among individuals, and in the government is not a bad thing.

Certainly, when conflict is resolved effectively it leads to development and growth at professional and personal level. Nevertheless, effective resolution of conflict creates a difference between negative and positive outcomes. When conflict is resolved effectively, it leads to positive impacts; hence, it justifies on the occurrence of the conflict Philips, Effective conflict resolution leads to unbelievable benefits such as increased understanding, group cohesion, and improvement in self-knowledge. The strategies used to effectively resolve conflict, expands the awareness of people on issues, strengthening of bonds, prevent fights, as well as providing them with insights on how to achieve cooperate and personal objectives.

Whether your inquiries are ' write my essay free ' or i wanna 'edit my paper', please address WowEssays and we will help! However, poor handling of conflict could lead to a negative outcome. In fact, conflicting objectives may promptly turn to be organizational and personal dislikes. The teamwork among the parties is broken, talent wasted, as well as tremendous decrease in production. Individuals in society should understand and appreciate the existence of competition, and uniqueness. In society today, there are various incidences of conflict. The incident took place between management and the employees over working conditions and remunerations. The situation in the workplace was very critical. As a matter of fact, there were few conflict cowards in the group.

Every individual wanted his or her views to be heard and considered. The entire group of employees were united in airing their views; many of them were furious because they had addressed their problem to the management team, but their problems were not solved. The conflicts in the workplace were caused by various reasons. The management team and the employees differed in addressing priorities; the management placed higher priorities to the progress of the company more than the priorities of the m employees. Additionally, the methods of promotions and awarding process in the company were not equally carried out.

Therefore, it developed a lot of tension among the employees and the management team. Moreover, the conflicting groups complained of various organizational issues, which in one way or another escalated conflicts. The organizational factors included budget, management, long working hours, leadership. Adherence to core values, disagreements, as well as financial problems. Other core issues that were observable were poor communications, differences in interests, and personality clashes Wandberg, The main parties on the workplace conflict focused in resolving the conflict through communication. The management team elaborated on improving various organizational practices. Perhaps, they established the cause of the problem and established subordinate goals, minimized authorities of management as well as improving policies.

The tension among the parties was very high, but the few individuals who were against negative conflicts acted and tried to make the parties reach a consensus. Furthermore, the organization made changes on human resource department that will focus on analyzing internal problems. Ultimately, the remuneration agreement was arrived at. Undeniably, the deals made during conflict resolution process eased the tension, and the parties came to a compromising position. Despite the efforts, others were still emotional and could not accept some terms. As a matter of fact, it is very difficult to convince everyone in a conflict situation. The ultimate decision that was focused on was to involve the employees in setting the appropriate remuneration percentage, which will affect the company and employees equally.

The most important strategy in making the entire decisions was to reduce tension and encourage communication. The cost of conflict should not outweigh the entire progress of the organization; hence, management team should focus on preventing conflict to escalate further. Conflict is part of human life and should always be handled with great care. Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationship. Philips, G. The Conflict. New Jersey: Echo Press. Wandberg, R. Conflict Resolution: Communication, Cooperation, Compromise. New York: Wadsworth. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance.

ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. Don't waste time. I agree. HIRE A WRITER Sign in. World of Writing Hub Blog Free Essay Writing Tools Quizzes and Tests Essay Topics Types of Essays Free Essay Examples. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Introduction to Conflict Arguably, not every society in the world can avoid conflict. Сonflicts in the Workplace The conflicts in the workplace were caused by various reasons.

Conflicts Essay Example,Team Dynamics - Conflict Resolution Strategies Essay example

WebConflict Resolution Essay 1. Analyze the reason for the disagreement. 2. Create several solutions or options for all parties involved. 3. Make sure all involved agree on the Webinformation on conflict, the levels and the components. The paper will provide information on how conflict can manifest in an organization or team. It will discuss conflict resolution WebConflict resolution happens often in the workplace that can either drive or disturb employees, supervisors, a team, and an entire organization. When supervisors allow WebThe conflict resolution style of smoothing becomes incorporated when workers are heavily concerned with maintaining their job. For this reason, it is beneficial to acknowledge and WebConflict Resolution Many people enjoy working or participating in a group or team, but when a group of people work together chances are that conflicts will occur. Hazleton WebMar 16,  · The main parties on the workplace conflict focused in resolving the conflict through communication. The management team elaborated on improving various ... read more

Conflict Resolution And Components Paper. Opines that their style has influenced their interpersonal skills. Many people try their best to avoid conflict, but conflict is an unavoidable factor in team work. A conflict can arouse in any given setting, and the affect it can have on those involved can either be negative or positive. A team with many different people includes many different personalities, cultures, values, attitudes, needs, expectations, etc. it is a mental struggle resulting from incompatible needs, drives, wishes, or external or internal demands.

Managing Conflict Essay example Words 7 Pages, essay on conflict resolution. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Interpersonal Conflict Resolution and Mediation Conflict is a problematic situation that occurs between interdependent people who seek different goals or means to those goals. This is because reconciliation is both a process — a means to achieve a goal and a goal itself — something to achieve. essay on conflict resolution work for them, so when people want to go in early or stay late, they do it. For this reason, it is beneficial to acknowledge and accept various points of view to move towards a consensus.

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